“I Lead Environment Beautifying Work”—the Youth League Branch of Zhejiang Haisen Pharmaceutical Carries out Volunteer Activities of Environmental Protection

On March 12, 2021, the Youth League Branch of Zhejiang Haisen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. organized the Youth League members to carry out a volunteer activity of picking up garbage on mountains for protecting environment, which was carried out under the theme “I Lead Environment Beautifying Work”.

On March 12, 2021, the Youth League Branch of Zhejiang Haisen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. organized the Youth League members to carry out a volunteer activity of picking up garbage on mountains for protecting environment, which was carried out under the theme “I Lead Environment Beautifying Work”.

The team finally arrived at the top of the mountain after more than 1 hour. With bags full of garbage on the way downward, the roads up to the mountain became clean and tidy. Everyone took photos, smiling happily with strong sense of achievement. The participating League members said it was worth promoting the habit of picking up garbage on the mountain, because it could not only build up our body but also contribute to environmental protection.

In this activity, all League members enhanced their collective consciousness and environmental protection, cultivated their volunteer spirit of contributing to others and the society, promoted their mutual communication, fostered a harmonious collective atmosphere, and enriched their spare-time life, besides appreciating the picturesque scenery there and building up their body.